
一个澳大利亚的moodler写了一篇博客——《Nobody asks》,讲述他推广cms的感触。他所做的和面对的,与我有太多相似。没想到在发达国家,亦是如此啊。故翻译一下。水平有限,有些翻译很拿不准,所以原文也嵌在里面,供对照、指正(感谢magnolia的指正)。因为原文被墙,所以图片我都放在了本地,希望不会侵权。

无人问津/Nobody asks

——Tomaz Lasic

Last week, I was invited to a high school as an ‘expert’ on using Moodle in the classroom. I had a series of 45-minute sessions to, as my brief read, ‘inspire’ each group of teachers (average size of about 15-20) over two days of PD to use their nice local Moodle & Mahara setup in their teaching.

上星期,我以在课堂使用Moodle的“专家”身份被邀请到一所高中。按我的简单理解,我有两天的时间 ,可以用若干个45分钟的学时,去“鼓舞”每组教师(平均一组15-20人)在教学中使用他们学校已经配置得很好的Moodle和Mahara。

Yeah right.


I’ve never liked ‘gurus’ showing flashy wares and ideas, especially right at the start of school year with so many things to get ready before the kids arrive. I’ve never liked being considered one either.


So, I thought we’d use the 45 minutes for a guided chat about things we are kinda all good at – talking about our needs. Needs of teachers I spoke to and, importantly, the kids they teach. In the context, shoot a few Moodle ideas past them and see how use-full or use-less they may be. But it was about the hole, less about the drill.


(“所有买电钻的人都不是想要个电钻。他们是想要个洞——Perry Marshall”。这才是首要任务。)

I even flashed these sort of things as a visual reminder:






EVERY group sat a little stunned at first. Believe it or not, the ideas did not flow very freely. The replies ranged from encouraging (‘enthusiasm’, ‘motivation’, ‘meaning’ …) to downright pathetic (‘textbook’, ‘ways to easily memorise a range of acronyms we use’). We’d eventually get about 5 – 10 needs on the board to work with.


And behold the question “Why DO you teach?” asked as the conversations began to flow. Many felt a little threatened even!


Or as one teacher put it: “Nobody really gets asked these questions.” Rarely, if ever, do teachers ask these themselves. It’s all assumed, we all know what happens at school and what the school and teachers are there for, we all ‘innovate’ but it basically changes bugger all while giving the impression of progress and change.


I am NOT  bashing teachers here. Quite contrary, I understand so many of them, barraged by things to, often mindlessly, tick and do while lacking time, space, even increasingly a reason for these questions (other than stuff like ‘raise scores’ etc.).


A friend noted in reply to my email containing a few gems collected over two days: “I often reflect that all of these controlling, narrow and limiting views of education are expressed by people who once showed wonder, imagination, a sense of fun, and often got into teaching because they wanted to have a positive influence on the lives of young people. How is it that they are who they are today? Not easy to answer, but important to try nonetheless.”


While I did cover my brief and talked about Moodle and ‘technology’ over the two days, I was glad, while sad and often a little horrified, to talk about the ultimate technology and weapon for change – asking good questions and wrestling with them.


I wish all my Australian & New Zealand teaching colleagues and their students a great school year 2011 (first day today for most). Turn the crap detectors on and use them! Make it matter.


And if you think I can help you in some way in doing that, you know where to find me.


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